About SIP
Welcome to St. Innocent Press!
St. Innocent Press was founded in January, 2006 in Middlebury, Indiana with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Laurus, and His Grace, Bishop Peter of Cleveland (ROCOR) and with the goal of filling some of the gaps in English-language Orthodox Literature. Since 2012, the Press has been located in Milford, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati.
As a convert to Orthodoxy, a father of three young children, a parish priest, and a graduate of a Russian-language seminary, it was clear to me that not only did many good books written in Russian need to be translated, but that the Orthodox Christian culture which permeates Russia (and Serbia, and Greece, and Georgia, and...) needed to be sown among English-speaking believers. We chose St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow to be our heavenly protector due to his extraordinary missionary zeal. By his prayers, may the spiritual fruit of this press be bountiful!
Our first offering, St. Seraphim's Beatitudes, is directed to young readers. This book took well over a year to produce; we pray that it will be of spiritual benefit to those who read it! The many lavish drawings are the work of protodeacon Paul Drozdowski, a professional iconographer and illustrator. Fr. Paul and I met while we were both studying at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, New York. Click here to see some of his wonderful icons.
Our second project was a detailed online directory of ROCOR's parishes and clergy, including Church suppliers.
In response to numerous requests, we have created a wall-calendar of Church feasts and readings in either all English, English & Russian text, or English & Serbian text. The months of the wall calendar are arranged according to the civil calendar, but the Church calendar date (i.e. the ’old calendar’) is added for every day. These calendars can be customized for use by parishes or purchased individually.
The focus of St. Innocent Press will be on books for youth as well as translations of spiritual literature from Russian. Many projects are in the works, and with God's help will be published in the next few years. Fr. John Whiteford has edited an English-language liturgical calendar since 2011, which is based largely on Jordanville’s liturgical calendar.
The bulk of my labors are devoted to serving my flock at St. George Russian Orthodox Church in Cincinnati, Ohio where I am rector. A growing parish, we strive to proclaim the Truth of the Orthodox Christian faith. Without the support of my wife, Anya, and three children, James, Alexandra and Leo, St. Innocent Press would still be a dream. May God help us all to fulfill His command to Go forth and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!

Sincerely in Christ,
archpriest Daniel Marshall, publisher